I, Jennifer Piercey, Founder of OnTarget College Consulting, adhere to the Principles of Good Practice as created and approved by the National Association of College Admissions Counselors (NACAC). A specific set of ethics and principles guide my work with students and their families as well as other college admissions professionals. I believe my work as an independent college admissions consultant must subscribe to and support ethical behavior, as outlined by NACAC. ps://www.nacacnet.org/advocacy--ethics/statement-of-principles-of-good-practice/


Advocating for the best interests of students in the admission process is the primary ethical concern of our profession. This requires that students receive college admission counseling that they can trust. I will therefore adhere to high standards of individual and institutional professional conduct.


I am responsible for the integrity of my actions. I believe my profession, college counseling, admission, and enrollment management is based upon trust, mutual respect and honesty, with colleges and with students.


I believe the effectiveness of my profession, college counseling, admission, and enrollment management is enhanced when college admissions professionals work together to promote and protect students and their best interests.


I am committed to educating students, their families, the public, fellow education professionals, and myself about the transition to and within postsecondary education.

Fairness and Equity

I believe college admissions professionals have a responsibility to treat each other and students in a fundamentally fair and equitable manner.

Social Responsibility

I believe I have a duty to serve students responsibly, by safeguarding their rights and their access to and within postsecondary education.

College Admissions Practices

  • I evaluate and counsel all students on the basis of their individual qualifications and strive for inclusion of all members of society in the admission process.

  • I provide accurate admission and financial aid information to students, empowering all participants in the process to act responsibly.  

  • I honor students’ decisions regarding where they apply and choose to enroll.

  • I abide by local, state and federal laws regarding the treatment of students and confidential information.

  • I support a common set of admission-related definitions and deadlines.

  • I will send and receive information about candidates in confidence

  • I will not use disparaging comparisons of secondary or postsecondary institutions.

  • I will not guarantee admission or specific college placement or make guarantees of any institutionally-affiliated financial aid or scholarship awards prior to an application being submitted

  • I will not make unethical or unprofessional requests of other admission counseling professionals


Jennifer Piercey

Founder, OnTarget College Consulting





College Counseling Certificate - UC San Diego

Updated 8/31/17